When you are without a kitchen in Italia, you have two choices. Marvel at the historic Arches & Monuments...

Or, if you are me, salivate over the fresh produce, fish and meats in the Mercato. Mercato Ballaro is one short block from the apartment I am staying in. According to Marjolein (a painter from Holland who speaks 7 languages), Mercato Ballaro is the freshest market in Palermo and more robust than the more well know Vucceria Mercato which is the only one mentioned in even the best gastronomy guidebooks.
go boy...! i love you. hope you are well... email me. like your new pics. word em up.
can you collect (buy?) the seeds of local produce from each region, town you are in?
garden over the gowanus, behind the restaurant...
(I refuse to do the weeding)
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