Saturday, August 11, 2007

Osteria del Buonconsiglio

With incongruous amounts of vino in my system, I knew I had to eat. Two blocks away from the festivities I landed at Oseteria del Buonoconsiglia. I drunkenly explained I wanted a “piccolo” (small) meal…and that I was a chef…and that I had drank too much…and...&…

I go through so many different stages of confidence in a single day, but there are those moments when despite my lack of poetic Italian, I simply believe in myself. I confidently asked to see the kitchen; a literal spark which lit a fire. I was greeted warmly by the staff and was able to communicate not only about my passion for food, but my own learnings since working in Italian kitchens.

I watched them prepare my Antipasta casa, commenting, smiling and documenting as they worked. A shrimp, wrapped beautifully in Spaghetti was fried and served alongside marinated Anchovies and Arugula. Mussels stuffed with the cities signature potato and pecornino were baked until perfectly browned. Involtini of Malanza were rolled delicately like a spliff. It was all familiar but with a twist. I returned to my table to eat.

Taking liberty, I sauntered back into the kitchen to watch them make my Ravioli primo. The dish was colorful and confident, delicate with a hint of brine from the sea. The Ravioli were filled with a local white fish, parsley, s&p and a dash of heavy cream and served alongside just opened clams. The secret I later learned was an Onion paste they make in-house. Get the whole onion thing out of the way…makes sense!

Only two courses and no vino, but I felt connected with the restaurant and its staff. I lightheartedly mentioned returning the following morning to spend a day with them. Don’t be late the owner replied in Italian. I think I have a job y’all…


Unknown said...

Seems to be a fabulously memorable evening that leads you right where you need to be - to another inspiring food experience!

...the adventure continues...

Jessa said...

are you trying to make me cry?

Suri said...

you ever get that onion paste receipe?