Had I done my Italy trip backwards (North to South, Summer to Winter), my palette would have experienced a new spectrum of typical seasonal dishes that I have not yet tasted, cooked or fully understood. A trip to the Mercato in Bologna is a ripe reminder of Vegetables I have never seen, nor eaten. Here’s a quick once over.
3 altogether new Zucchini’s…

Cardi, a celery like stalk in the artichoke family.

Long Radicchio

Shamefully I don’t know the name of this, but it’s intertwined Bokchoy-like stems are beautiful. I would give a “just blanched crunchy salad approach” to its preparation.

Raw Olives, which I have never seen sold “crudo”, nor do I understand exactly why. I saw many different varieties and was invited to taste them raw, a bitter experience to say the least.

The love did not stop with the Vegetables. Our Northern lattitude also treated us to a wide slection of the best Parma Ham, Parmesan Reggiano and Mortadella Italy has to offer...

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